80121 Villa Comunale - Napoli (NA)
Manager: Presidente Prof. Enrico Alleva; riferimento per i problemi storico-artistici dott.ssa Christiane Groehen
The Municipality of Naples, in 1870, conferred to the naturalist Anton Dohrn, follower of Darwin's theories, the use of an area of the Villa Comunale to build a Zoological Institute. The works started in 1872 with the Architect Capocci who was quickly replaced by the German Adolf von Hildebrand, who designed a building inspired by the Florentine renaissance architecture. Von Hildebrand worked together with the painter Hans von Marées, to whom the beautiful mural paintings of the hall on the first floor, nowadays used for conferences, are owed. The Zoological Institute is still today an important sea flora and fauna research center, it houses the most oldest acquarium of Europe and can be visited, and has several marine species from the gulf of Naples.
Status: Closed
Sito Web: www.szn.it
Email: stazione.zoologica(at)szn.it
Phone Number: 081 5833111
Fax: 081 7641355