Church of S. Anna dei Lombardi

P.zza Monteoliveto, 44 - Napoli (NA)

The church of S. Maria di Monteoliveto, real wealth of art treasures of the Renaissance, is known with the name of S. Anna dei Lombardi as it has been given to the homonym confraternity since 1801, still active today, whose historic site had been demolished. The church was founded by Gurello Origlia in 1411 and was assigned to the Olivetan Fathers, whose monastery complex was enlarged during the years, to include 4 cloisters and becoming one of the most impressive monasteries in the city. The sacred building was then extended at the beginning of the Aragon period and enriched with precious artworks, commissioned to the most important active artists in Naples. It is worth mentioning the peculiar concentration of Tuscan artists: Benedetto da Maiano realised, in 1489, the relief of Annunciation for the chapel Correale; again Benedetto da Maiano and Antonio Rossellino worked in the chapel Piccolomini, Francesco da Sangallo built the tomb of Antonio Fiodo (1540). To another important artist of the Renaissance, who is Cristoforo Scacco da Verona, we owe the paintings of the chapel Tolosa, in which the architecture is of clear Brunelleschi's inspiration. About the intervention of foreign artists, one of the most famous is Giorgio Vasari who, in 1544, painted with the Allegories of virtue the vault of the then-current dining hall, later ancient sacristy, in which the walls were covered with precious wooden engravings by the friar Giovanni da Verona (1506-1510). In the church of Monteoliveto the most important Neapolitan artists worked too: let's just think about the sculptors Giovanni da Nola (altar of the Ligorio family) and Girolamo Santacroce (altar of the del Pezzo family) or the painters Fabrizio Santafede, Carlo Sellitto and Francesco Solimena Moreover, it is worth remembering one of the most famous works in this church, located in the oratory of the Santo Sepolcro: the group of the late deposed Christ, modelled in terracotta by Guido Mazzoni from Modena, in 1492.

Status: Open

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08:30-19:00 Sat 09:00-19:00 Sun 09:30-13:00 - 15:00-19:00

Entry conditions: Free

Ticket price: 5 €

Note prezzo: Ridotto 3€ (under 26- over65 - famiglie con figli- gruppi minimo 6 persone-studenti-insegnanti-giornalisti-Campania>Artecard) Scuole 2€ Gratuito (portatori di handicap e accompagnatore - under12 - guide turistiche autorizzate - ecclesiastici)

Phone Number: 081 5513333