Church of SS. Demetrio e Bonifacio

P.tta T. Monticelli, 9 - Napoli (NA)

Manager: Given to the Faculty of Architecture of the Federico II University

The current building was realised in 1706 on a design by Giovan Battista Nauclerio for the Somaschi priests, who had acquired the lands of a more ancient Benedictine monastery.
Later on, the priests bought the nearby Palazzo Penne too, where they wanted to organize their own college.
The church has a central plan with Greek cross and still retains three paintings, all dating back to 1748, located on the three altars: on the high altar the Virgin Mary and Child and the Holy Domenico and Bonifacio by Nicola Maria Rossi on the right one the Virgin Mary and Child and Gerolamo Emiliani by Crescenzio Gamba and on the left one the Virgin Mary and Child and the Holy Paolo Eremita, Leonardo abbot and Ignazio martyr by Antonio Romeo.

Status: Open on demand

Entry conditions: Please ask the Faculty of Architecture